Wednesday, 27 October 2021

cyber smart

this is what some comapinis in game to get people to buy them 
New game out now called cat vs car number #1 hit in the world for the cheap cheap price of $99.99 nzd and 1 copy an be yours for the cheap cheap price of $99.99 nzd you can have another copy aswell.

Monday, 13 September 2021


 something i learnt last week is that the covid cases drop qiute a bit and that we are in lvl 2.that i can just about drive a car.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

qr codes

walt to create qr codes.

                                                                 scan with your phone

Monday, 14 June 2021

lawyer paragraph

today we are learning how to do a lawyer paragraph. this is my feedback for today's session


Wednesday, 2 June 2021

this is my gamefroot character code

 walt code are gamefroot character it wasn't the hardest neither the easiest


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Thursday, 13 May 2021

my first time having trouble while coding

 This was my first time coding on mihi maker click here to try my game

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

best colours of LH7

 today we were doing something on pickto chart. this is raw data of LH7´s favorite colours the favorite colour is blue then purple. :)



Wednesday, 31 March 2021



my work from today it took 5 mins


 my mic glitched out so you cant hear me :(

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

all about me

 all about me 

i like mountain biking and gaming in my spear time :)

the triathlon track

Monday, 15 March 2021

Grandpas weekend secret

Grandpas weekend secret is that he’s good at skateboarding. When i mean good i mean good as. When he is riding his skateboard he falls of some times. He tried to do a triple kickflip out of big bowl and fell back in and had to get lifted out by 10 people. when we were stert riding he fell of and ripped half of his skin of his leg and had to get picked up by the ambo. when i fell of and started crying he called me weak and he was laughing at me because i was crying then he fell of and started to cry to that was a good dose of instant karma.


Wednesday, 10 March 2021